Reencuentro: Latinos in Arlington

Celebrate the Latino Experience in Arlington!
This event will be live-streamed on the Arlington County Youtube page.
Enjoy cultural expressions, food trucks, and a moderated panel discussion featuring Latino Arlington leaders and citizens.
This event is sponsored by the Arlington County Centennial Committee. As part of the celebration and with an eye to the future, the Arlington Community Archives (part of Arlington Public Library’s Center for Local History) is calling on Arlington’s Latino community for donations to their collections. The CLH strives to present a full picture of Arlington County, and this picture is not complete without incorporating Arlington’s Latino population. Presented in partnership with Alianza, Arlington Public Schools, The Dream Project, The Virginia Latino Leaders Council, VA Humanities, Comité Pro Bolivia, and the Arlington Historical Society.
Order of Events
2pm: Panel discussion (held in the Barbara M. Donellan auditorium (Registration required. Register below.)
3pm: Dance performances, exhibits by artisans, food trucks (Registration not required)
Rain Plan: Event will be open only to registered attendants, and all activities will be moved to the Barbara M. Donellan auditorium.
COVID-19 Safety: All attendees ages 2 and older – regardless of vaccination status – are required to wear a mask while inside all Arlington Public Library facilities. When visiting the Library, the County Visitor Face Covering Policy from the Arlington County Government website is in effect.
Celebremos la historia y contribución de la comunidad latina en Arlington!
Disfrute expresiones culturales, camiones de comida, y una reunión con líderes latinos de Arlington.
Patrocinado por el Comité Centenario del Condado de Arlington. Como parte de la celebración y con el foco en el futuro, los Archivos Comunitarios de Arlington (parte del Centro de Historia Local) está pidiendo donaciones a sus colecciones por parte de la comunidad latina de Arlington. El CLH quiere presentar la historia completa del Condado de Arlington, y eso no será posible sin incorporar la comunidad latina de Arlington.
Presentado en asociación con Alianza, Arlington Public Schools, The Dream Project, The Virginia Latino Leaders Council, VA Humanities, Comité Pro Bolivia, y Arlington Historical Society.
Se requiere registrar para asistir al panel de discusión (que tendrá lugar en el auditorio Barbara M. Donellan); todas las demás actividades están abiertas a todos.
Seguridad COVID-19: Se requiere que todos los asistentes de 2 años de edad en adelante usen mascarilla al visitar la Biblioteca.
- Date:
- Saturday, October 16, 2021
- Time:
- 2:00pm - 5:00pm
- Library:
- Central Library
- Audience:
- Good for Adults Age 55+ Good for Families Good for Parents
- Calendar:
- Arlington Public Library
- Location campus Central Library
- Audience:
- Categories:
We are proud to announce our participants in this program/Orgullosamente anunciamos los participantes del programa:
- Tannia Talento, Maestra of Ceremonies: Community activist, Former Arlington Public School Board Chair, Board member of Arlington Free Clinic, Board member of EduTutorVA, and Board member of Aspire! Afterschool Learning, Chair of the Dream Project Advisory Board, and Co-Founder and Steering Committee member of Arlington Schools Hispanic Parents Association (ASHPA)
- David Bearinger, moderator: Senior Director, Grants & Global Virginia Programs, will moderate the panel discussion and invite questions from the audience.
- Walter Tejada, panelist: Chair of the Virginia Latino Leaders Council, former Arlington County Board chair, Board member of UnidosUS, former Virginia State Director of the League of United Latin American Citizens, the founding chairman of the state-wide Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations, the founding president of the former American Salvadoran Association of Virginia and of the former Latino Democrats of Virginia
- Julia Garcia, panelist: Cultural Director of Comité Pro Bolivia, leader in the preservation of her native Quechua language and Bolivian folk traditions, and retired Spanish teacher at Thomas Jefferson Middle School
- Dr. Emma Violand-Sanchez, panelist: Former Arlington Public School Board Chair, retired Supervisor for Programs and services for English Language Learners in Arlington Public Schools, founder and Emeritus Chair of The Dream Project, founder and past president of the Board of Directors of Escuela Bolivia Inc. LULAC Council 4606, and former member of the Board of the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, Northern Virginia Community College, National PTA. Member of the Latino Leaders Council and Arlington Centennial committee.
- Dulce Carrillo, panelist: Supervisor of Public Engagement for Arlington Public Schools and Board member of Virginia Humanities, Board member of Arlington Community Foundation, Board member of Arlington Chamber of Commerce, Arlington County Military and Veterans Affairs Committee, former Multicultural Public Relations Manager for Arlington County
Artisans featured in this program/Artesanos descatados del programa:
- Ubaldo Sanchez, Mayan Guatemalan master artist, Founder and member of Asociacion Primaveral
- Marimba Maya Awal: Named Guatemala’s national instrument in 1978, and an symbol of Guatemalan national identity, the marimba is a large, wooden instrument composed of rows of wooden bars and played with mallets. Traditional marimba music serves as a link to Guatemalan culture for young Guatemalans living in the United States.
- Centro Cultural Bolivia: presenting the dance of “ Pujllay of Tarabuco Bolivia.” Pujillay is a Quechua term that means party-game, or any form of expression-cheerful festive and joyful. The dance is a triumphant celebration of the TARABUCO identity which resisted Spanish colonization for many years. Many aspects of the men's costumes mock the clothing worn by the conquistadors, like helmet and shoes. This dance is a native ceremony of teenagers worshipping the Father Sun and Mother Earth Pachamama in an eternal gratitude for their bounty and produce received
- Fraternidad Folclorica y Cultural Tinkus San Simon: presenting the dance of “El Tinku.” Tinku comes from the Quechua term that means, "Encounter.” It is a ritual celebration, of the communities of the northern highlands of Potosi Bolivia as a sign of gratitude to Mother Earth. The Tinku is the most popular dance of the Bolivian youth, for its cheerful rhythm, choreography, and clothing textiles of exquisite colors and designs.
- The art of Weaving dolls by Mama Alicia: exhibiting Mrs. Alicia Pardo’s talent and art of weaving dolls, small bags, and other woolen toys. Her dolls and toys have a direct connection to the ancient arts of subsistence and expression native to the Valle Alto region. With expansion of the toy industry, hand-made articles like these have become rare, and there are only a few remaining artisans who have carried the skill forward into the present day. They offer links to a traditional culture and way of life that is far removed from the modern world but that still lives in the hands of people like Mama Alicia Merida Pardo.
About Our Events
Arlington County provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact us at least five (5) business days in advance.
- Phone: 703-228-5993
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