Prepare To Discuss the World!

We invite you to join Cherrydale Library's Great Decisions Discussion Group, which meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month.

Great Decisions is America's largest civic discussion program on world affairs and foreign policy issues facing the country. The Foreign Policy Association selects eight critical foreign policy issues and participants are asked to read the topic in advance of each meeting. Copies of the Briefing Book are available at the library's service desk to check out. You must register for the program to reserve your Briefing Book. This discussion group is facilitated by a volunteer. 


Dates and topics include:

  • Mon., Feb 17: American Foreign Policy at a Crossroads by G. John Ikenberry
    • This chapter explores the contours of the U.S. foreign policy debate as it plays out in a world of multiple and escalating crises and domestic polarization.
  • Mon., Mar. 17: U.S. Changing Leadership of the World Economy by Daniel Drezner
    • Under President Biden, the U.S. has advanced new ideas about trade, technology, industrial policy, competition with China, and the organization of the world economy. For most of the postwar era, the U.S. has tied its global leadership to cooperative agendas aimed at creating a more open-world trading system, but that has come to an end. What are America’s options and opportunities as a leader of the world economy? How will America’s “foreign policy for the middle class” and strategic competition with China impact its leadership role? How can the postwar rules and institutions of the world economy be made safe for economic nationalism and great power competition?
  • Mon., Apr 21: U.S.-China Relations by Thomas J. Christensen
    • Washington’s relations with Beijing have reached an ominous low ebb. Both American political parties have identified China as the country’s preeminent geopolitical challenger and, in the eyes of many, a systemic threat. What is driving this deterioration of Sino-American relations, and what are America’s strategic options in the face of Chinese power and ambition?


REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Space and materials are limited.


For more information, please call 703-228-6330.

Monday, March 17, 2025 Show more dates
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Cherrydale Library
Events for Adults Good for Adults Age 55+
Book Discussion Civics & Government History
Arlington Public Library


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Accommodations in the Library

Arlington County provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact ​us at least five (5) business days in advance.

  • Phone: 703-228-5993
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