Need a way to wind down at the end of a long day?

Join us the second Thursday of the month for a relaxing meditation session led by Pushpa Krishnaswamy of Yoga Abhyaasaa!

Deep meditation helps calm the mind and relaxes the body. Meditation is a vacation away from one's own stress. Meditating for 20 minutes every day helps us to withdraw from our external activities and spend time with ourselves. It is quality me-time. These sessions will include:

  • 20 minutes of movement to relax the body.
  • 20 minutes of meditation.
  • 15 minutes of yoga knowledge with a Q&A session.

Instructor: Pushpa Krishnaswamy (She/Her) of YogaAbhyaasaa Traditional Yoga for Holistic Well-being. Pushpa has been teaching yoga for over 9 years. She has been practicing yoga, breathing techniques and meditation for 17 years.


REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Space is limited. If you are registered but are unable to attend, we ask that you cancel your registration using the link found in the registration email.

For more information please contact Columbia Pike Library at 703-228-5710

Thursday, February 13, 2025 Show more dates
6:30pm - 7:30pm
2nd Floor
Columbia Pike Library
Events for Adults Good for Adults Age 55+ Good for Caregivers of Adults Good for Parents
Health, Wellness & Food 
Arlington Public Library
Registration has closed.

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Arlington County provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact us at least five days in advance to discuss accommodations for both online and in-person events.

Learn about other available accommodations when visiting the library.