Author Dr. Monique Rainford on the black maternal health crisis

"Pregnant While Black" is a hopeful exploration of the issues pregnant Black women face in America. Within these pages, Dr. Rainford draws on over twenty years of experience working in obstetrics and gynecology to offer a primer on Black pregnancies and how to create better health outcomes for them. She shares the successes and testimonies of Black women who have struggled during pregnancy and childbirth, anchoring the stories of these women with carefully researched facts. Despite medical advances over the last twenty years, for Black women, the overwhelming dangers of carrying and delivering children remain and it only seems to be getting worse. 

The conversation will be followed by an audience Q&A and book signing.

RSVP for an event reminder email. Attendance is first-come, first-served until seating capacity is reached. Please note this author talk will not be recorded. 

For more information, contact



Wednesday, March 20, 2024
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Quincy Room
Central Library
Events for Adults
Author Talk Civics and Government Health and Fitness
Arlington Public Library
Registration has closed.

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