Celebrate International Transgender Day of Visibility with Arlington Public Library!

International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV) takes place annually on March 31st and celebrates the contributions and lives of the trans community everywhere, while also recognizing the discrimination and violence these folx experience. In recognition of this day, we are partnering with Family Diversity Projects to host a series of events and programs. See below for details.




Online Panel Discussion: 

  • Wed. Mar. 13 at 6:30 p.m.
  • This online panel discussion seeks to reaffirm diverse perspectives and dismantle prejudice through engaging and insightful conversation. Contributors from the book Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families will join the Library for an online discussion about their personal experiences, allyship, and the significance of TDOV amid ongoing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.          
  • Registration Required to receive the Zoom link. This is an online event to be held via Zoom. An email with the Zoom link will be sent to all registrants. 


Talk with Joey Morelli of Family Diversity Projects:

  • Mar. 13 at 11 a.m. – 2 p.m in Central Library Lobby
  • Prior to the panel discussion, a tabling event with Joey Morelli (a contributor to the Authentic Selves book) will be at Central Library to connect with community members. 
  • Learn more about the book and accompanying exhibit through the Family Diversity Projects website HERE
  • To receive an event reminder email click here.

Exhibit: Authentic Selves - Celebrating Trans & Nonbinary People and Their Families

  • On display Mar. 4 through 31 at Central Library
  • The exhibit explores the many aspects of gender identity and variance by sharing these important, ground-breaking stories through a series of portraits. Authentic Selves celebrates a range of views, opinions, and experiences that are unique and empowering to trans and nonbinary people.” – Family Diversity Projects

For more information, call 703-228-5715.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Central Library
Events for Adults Events for High Schoolers Good for Adults Age 55+ Good for Caregivers of Adults
Arlington Public Library
Registration has closed.

About the Panelists

Amy McNeil is a Transwoman who lives with her wife and family in Southern VT and currently works as a contract computer programmer. Since transition she has engaged in educating others about the transgender experience.

Angélica Canlas Castro (she, they), (R)EVOLutionary LOVE Coach is the proud mother of Angelle Eve Castro, who is featured in Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families. My daughter, who identifies as a sister, daydreamer and friend, expresses the importance of feeling accepted and living one's truth, and feels that the world is a better place when trans lives are uplifted. I am doing my part to uplift her beautiful, heartwarming and impactful story!

Brianna Harris is a Transwoman who lives with her wife and family in Southern Vt and has worked at a major ski resort there since 15 years prior to her transition in 2005. Since transition she has become an outspoken activist and has spoken at colleges, universities, churches and Pride celebrations and taken part in several photographic exhibits among others including Authentic Selves with her family. 

Fresh “Lev” White is a love and compassion activist. He offers mindfulness, mediation, and diversity trainings as tools for shifting towards more authentic, conscious, and passionate living. He teaches and writes about how unconditional love and self-compassion are the ultimate gateways to honoring and understanding ourselves and others; thus, healing our communities and our planet. 

Jozeppi A. Morelli is a Transgender queer man who is a retired law enforcement officer/911 World Trade Center First Responder from New York City. In his retirement he has found a second career being a Gender Educator. Author and Public Speaker, Jozeppi is one of the authors in the new book and exhibit: Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People created by Peggy Gillespie of Family Diversity Projects and published by Skinner House Books. He has been promoting the Authentic Selves Photo Exhibit and Book across the country on radio shows, podcasts, and at in-person events.


Accommodations in the Library

Arlington County provides accommodations to individuals with disabilities upon request. Please contact us at least five days in advance to discuss accommodations for both online and in-person events.

Learn about other available accommodations when visiting the library.